
Download details

jDownloads for Joomla! 4 jDownloads for Joomla! 4 & 5 HOT

Created 2023-02-03
Changed 2025-01-23
Version 4.0.46 Stable
Size 3.17 MB
(65 votes)
Created by Arno
Changed by Arno
Downloads 5,105
License GNU/GPL external

jDownloads version 4 Stable

  • The range of functions in the first versions was almost identical to that of the previous version 3.9.
  • But new functions and features will be added step by step in later versions.

Important information

  • It is not possible to upgrade directly from the much older version 3.2.x to version 4! In such cases, it is always necessary to upgrade to version 3.9 first. Only then can an update to version 4 be carried out.
  • If you want to update an existing jDownloads installation 3.9.x to version 4, please watch this PDF tutorial first: 

  • For the update, however, at least version must be installed! This must be done before you switch to Joomla 4, after that it is no longer possible!
  • If the update attempt is aborted with a message about corrupt DB tables, please read the instructions here to solve the problem.
  • Also, always make a complete backup before updating!
  • As always, we accept no liability for any data loss.
  • If you find and report a bug, we aim to fix it as quickly as possible. This will be helped when reporting a bug to give relevant details so we are able to reproduce the problem.

Our special thanks go to the many users who had signed up to participate in the extensive testing.

Developers whose Joomla extensions support jDownloads in any way, or have developed their own plugins or modules for this purpose, must rework their extensions a little bit to be compatible with jDownloads 4.

# Changelog
All notable changes to the jDownloads series 4.0 project will be documented in this notes.
The newest changelog is always at the top!

## [4.0.46] - 2025-01-23
jDownloads 4.0.46 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Backend: A bug with the correct language definition in the scan.php. Thanks to the user 'Soundhunter' for the hint and solution. 
- Frontend: After update to Joomla 5.1.3 a small adjustment was necessary for the use of the 'pagination' class

### Added
- Additional table index for jdownloads_files to speed up some DB queries.

## [4.0.45] - 2024-09-03
jDownloads 4.0.45 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: After an update to Joomla 5.1.3 was some pagination links in the single category view incorrect. See: 

## [4.0.43] - 2024-06-29
jDownloads 4.0.43 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Backend: When moving downloads in batches, the selected tags were lost.
- Backend: When using filters to display lists, only one filter could be selected at a time.

### Added
- Backend: Extension of the selection for the number of days for which the logs are to be saved.
- Backend: Display of the user in the logs list extended to user AND user name.

## [4.0.42] - 2024-04-10
jDownloads 4.0.42 stable release published.

### Fixed
- A bug in the support of the 'UserPoints' component has been fixed.

## [4.0.41] - 2024-03-07
jDownloads 4.0.41 stable release published.

### Fixed
- The 'updated status field' from the Download was not reset automatically after the set time had elapsed.

### Changed
- The update function to version 4 has been improved once again.

### Added
- Backend: New options for file scanning added (update optional the 'modification date' and the 'updated status field' of the download, if the assigned file has been changed (e.g. by uploading a newer file version via FTP).
- Backend: New menu options for 'Single Category' Menutyp (Download Sort Order: modified ASC and DESC)
- Backend: New function added to the 'Tools' page to correct incorrect DB table definitions.
- Backend: Check function added to verify some database definitions when calling the jDownloads control centre for the first time (In the event of errors, a message is displayed to use the above function). This could be faulty after an update from version 3.9.
- Backend: Search for 'alias' in backend Downloads list. See:

## [4.0.40] - 2024-02-08
jDownloads 4.0.40 stable release published.

### Fixed
- The names of the download categories within some frontend modules were sometimes incorrect. See:
- When editing a download in the frontend, the user list was not displayed correctly. See:
- If only a website is linked to instead of a URL to an external file.

### Changed
- Since the Joomla extension AltaUserPoints no longer supports Joomla 4, or another developer has now adapted it under the new name User Points, we have also adapted jDownloads accordingly. User Points is now supported. See also the adapted documentation.

## [4.0.39] - 2024-01-03
jDownloads 4.0.39 stable release published.

### Fixed
This version fixes only a bug in the jDownloads User Groups Settings. It only appeared after a new Joomla user group was created ("1364 Field 'inquiry_hint' doesn't have a default value").

## [4.0.38] - 2023-12-29
jDownloads 4.0.38 stable release published.

This version fixes again some bugs in the frontend and backend. Support for Captcha plugins has also been improved. The hCaptcha plugin and other plugins compatible with ReCaptcha v3 can now also be used.  Therefore the support for the old reCaptcha v2 plugin ends.  A few CSS and language file corrections are also part of the update.

## [4.0.37] - 2023-10-27
jDownloads 4.0.37 stable release published. 

## [4.0.36] - 2023-10-24
jDownloads 4.0.36 stable release published.

## [4.0.35] - 2023-10-15
jDownloads 4.0.35 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend and Backend: Some fixes to make it compatible with Joomla 5!
- Frontend: Load required assets in content plugin
- Backend: Author filter in downloads list

### Added
- Frontend: New placeholders {access_title} {access} added in Layout types: categories, category, downloads, mydownloads and download. See:

## [4.0.34] - 2023-10-03
jDownloads 4.0.34 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Backend: default params was not correct defined!

## [4.0.33] - 2023-09-28
jDownloads 4.0.33 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: See

## [4.0.32] - 2023-09-28
jDownloads 4.0.32 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: See

## [4.0.31] - 2023-09-26
jDownloads 4.0.31 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: Support for the Joomla Tags component was buggy in jDownloads 4 and generated incorrect URL's. See

### Changed
- Frontend: Several sql query optimizations 

### Added
- Backend: Blocking IP option in jDownloads extended and a range functionality added. Example: 119.110.0-255.0-255
- Backend: New jDownloads option for SQL query caching in some parts
- Backend: New jDownloads option for caching created categories selection box in frontend header

## [4.0.30] - 2023-08-29
jDownloads 4.0.30 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: Filtering, searching or anything else in the 'Downloads' modal window for the content button plugin was not possible.

## [4.0.29] - 2023-08-15
jDownloads 4.0.29 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Backend: Move Downloads to other categories incl. the assigned files
- Frontend: When searching in the frontend (smart search), visitors were also shown results from other user groups.
- Frontend: 'Hidden text' feature for special user groups in system plugin.
- Frontend: 'Survey' form send now also correct email data when mass downloads option is use.
- Frontend: Access correction for Downloads to which only single users have been assigned access.
- Frontend: jDownloads sef route (will be overworked completely in next release).
- Frontend: It was possible to give ratings for downloads, although there was no permission to download.

### Changed

- Backend: Long columns identifier shortened for user groups page in backend.
- Backend: Copying Downloads to other categories incl. the assigned files. Will now only be executed if no file with the same name already exists in the destination folder.
- Backend: Move Downloads to other categories incl. the assigned files. Will now only be executed if no file with the same name already exists in the destination folder.

### Added
- Backend: The warning if the required default menu item for 'All categories' is not available is now additionally displayed on the categories and downloads pages! 

## [4.0.28] - 2023-06-15
jDownloads 4.0.28 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Frontend: 'View User Limits' Module and View 'user limits' part in summary page (see

### Changed
- Frontend: Edit form. Concerns the tab labelling for self-defined data fields  

## [4.0.27] - 2023-05-09
jDownloads 4.0.27 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Backend: Error when tried to add new found directory or file to the database (via monitoring function / scan.php). See
- Backend: CSS class for the buttons in the note about the current 'user permission settings' corrected
- Frontend: Error 'Passing null to parameter' in download details view (PHP >= 8.0)
- When upgrading from 3.9, the 'publish_down' field in #__jdownloads_files could still contain incorrect values (0000-00-00 00:00:00). This will be corrected with the installation of this version. See

### Changed
- Backend: Some links to the documentation corrected.

## [4.0.26] - 2023-04-14
jDownloads 4.0.26 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Problem with jDownloads versions check

## [4.0.25] - 2023-04-14
jDownloads 4.0.25 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Custom fields was not displayed in the download details page (see:
- Button layout in frontend edit form (
- Custom fields were only displayed in the frontend edit form if the option for a tabbed form view was enabled
- Information about an existing newer version was not displayed in the jDownloads backend control panel
- Admin stats module (see:

### Changed
- Some backend help links
- A few descriptions in the language files

## [4.0.24] - 2023-04-07
jDownloads 4.0.24 stable release published.

### Fixed
- It was not possible to download a file if a Downloads layout without checkboxes was activated
- Small fix in admin_stats_module

## [4.0.23] - 2023-04-06
jDownloads 4.0.23 stable release published.

### Fixed
- Correct update from version > was impossible

## [4.0.22] - 2023-04-05
jDownloads 4.0.22 stable release published.

### Added
- Checkbox user hints in frontend

### Fixed
- Checkbox 'mass' downloads feature. ZipArchive class could not be found (reported by ColinM).
- Abort the output process when we have no valid Downloads to view. Possibly because a user has logged in or logged out of the Summary page
- 'Associations' was lost when categories edited in backend (reported by ColinM). See
- The header area was missing in the Downloads view page

### Changed
- Hints about update problems with jDownloads tables
- Help links to documentation articles (updated by ColinM)

## [4.0.21] - 2023-03-21
jDownloads 4.0.21 beta release published.

### Fixed
- invalid return_page URL when edit or create Download in frontend
- 'Mydownloads' view and multilanguage
and some other small fixes 

## [4.0.20] - 2023-03-11
jDownloads 4.0.20 beta release published.

### Added
- Language Files: Messages for hints about newer version
- Language Files: Small "Aria" part to describe the download button
- Language Files: Button text for 'Hide rules info'
- Language Files: Missing warning message added when GD Library not exist on server
- Backend: Retrieve information about a possible newer jD version from the server and show a hint when we have found it
- Backend: 'Accessibility' Check button in download edit page
- Backend: Missing default file symbol
- Backend: It can now be deactivated the warning message about 'generell download permission' in Control panel 

### Fixed
- Replaced the titles from the jD backend admin modules with the right content from language file
- Router corrections for multilanguage websites
- Edit Download in frontend (also for multilingual websites)
- Wrong variable identifier use for 'featured' css class
- if a download (with photo) was inserted in articles with the help of the content plugin
- Modules: texts with HTML tags were shown in 'tooltips'
- Some small corrections for PHP 8.1 and 8.2
- Problem when a software license must be confirmed
- If the jDownloads component or other parts were deactivated (due to incompatibility with Joomla 4), they had to be reactivated at the end of the update process to prevent an error message when first called up
- Deleting an old 3.2 tags fix plugin version was incorrect. Instead of this plugin, the newly installed plugin was removed again!Deleting an old 3.2 tags fix plugin version was incorrect. Instead of this plugin, the newly installed plugin was removed again!
- Wrong variable identifier used in Frontend 'All Downloads' page
- The module "Tree" did not always show the category tree, but was empty

### Changed
- Language Files: Not longer required parts deleted
- Language Files: Small correction for an options description
- CSS class for 'Back' button
- Backend: default file symbol (mime type) from zip.png to unknown.png

## [4.0.18] - 2023-03-02
jDownloads 4.0.18 beta release published.

Changelog see 4.0.20

## [4.0.17] - 2023-02-14
jDownloads 4.0.17 beta release published.

### Added
- column selection box in backend list pages like the same in Joomla
- the support for the JComments 4 extension. Also the required jDownloads comments plugin would be overworked
- special new hint about the default permission setting for Download action.

### Fixed
- small CSS correction for frontend layouts (missing spaces)
- issue with Tree module
- issue with the ReportModel
- small language text corrections. Required for the column selection box
- the 'root_dir' param should now have after reset or import the same value as 'files_uploaddir'

### Changed
- the installation part removed in the previous pre-beta, which stored the default download rights in the assets table for the component level, has now been added back

## [4.0.16] - 2023-02-02
First public beta release published.