
Download details

jDownloads for Joomla jDownloads for Joomla 2.5 HOT

Created 2014-04-01
Changed 2023-02-16
Version 2.5.30
Size 2.36 MB
(85 votes)
Created by
Changed by
Downloads 42,184

jDownloads 2.5.30 for Joomla 2.5.

Please read all the update instructions before you try to update from the older jDownloads 1.9 series version to this new jDownloads 2.5 series version.

Please note that the Joomla 2.5 series is not longer supported by the Joomla! developer team. So it is strongy recommended you upgrade your website to the latest Joomla! 3.x release. You may also easily update your jDownloads version to the latest series. More information may be found in the jDownloads documentation.


  • The filesize from the installation package is greater as 2MB, so make sure that your server settings for (upload_max_filesize) is also greater as 2MB
  • You can only use modules or plugins that are compatible with this new jDownloads version. See the summary hints below.
  • English and German languages are included. Progress with other languages is being made in parallel by the translators using Many additional languages can you download directly from here. Because of the numerous enhancements in the jDownloads 2.5 series, the older version language files are incompatible. Please do not attempt to use the previous language files. If you have an urgent need for a particular language then why not offer to help with the translation?
  • Data import from the 1.9 series is included. Please read the instructions. Succesful tested with more then 2500 Downloads in 60 categories (duration ca. 80 seconds).
  • The jDownloads 2.5 series fully supports the ACL (Access Control List) in Joomla 2.5 is now full supported. So the old special jDownloads user groups are redundant and have been removed. Read the ACL notes here.
  • The Joomla multi language functionality is now also supported. To do this completely then you must include  some language specific text in a few fields in the configuration.
  • Alphauserpoint support is included and you can use the existing AUP Plugins from the Download Area.
  • Support for Joomfish or FaLang is included in this release.
  • Please post problems with this version here but examine before the documentation.

1. You can only use modules, plugins or translations which are compatible with this new jDownloads version. All extension which are ready for the new series are a part from the installation package and will be installed automaticly.

This are currently:

  • jDownloads System plugin
  • jDownloads Search plugin
  • jDownloads Content Plugin
  • jDownloads Editor Button Plugin (to create simple jD download links in content)
  • jDownloads Editor Button for Content Plugin
  • jDownloads Top Module
  • jDownloads Latest Module
  • jDownloads Last Updated Module

Additional extensions will you find these in a special download category as they become available.
2. English and German Languages are included.
3. Data import from the 1.9 series is included.
4. Alphapoints use is supported.
5. Joomla ACL is supported.
6. Multilanguage functionality is supported.
7. JomComment functionality is supported.
8. Joomfish and FaLang is supported in this version.

This is the last jDownloads version for Joomla 2.5 and will not be developed any further. Use instead the new jDownloads version 3.x.

Please note that the Joomla 2.5 series is not longer supported by the Joomla developer team. So it is strongly recommended that you upgrade your website to the newest Joomla 3.x release. You can also easy update your jDownloads version to the newest series. More information may be found in the jDownloads documentation.

Update 2014-04-03 Version 2.5.1 Beta published:

  • Upgrade function imports now also the most important configuration settings from jD 1.9.x
  • The external scan.php script is now protected
  • The sort order results are now correctly displayed in frontend

Update 2014-04-17 Version 2.5.2 Beta published:

  • The optional components header and footer text is now correct viewed
  • It is now possible to rename the assigned filename also in the frontend edit form
  • German language files added (but not completed translated currently)
  • Many small fixes in frontend and backend output and in the language files
  • jDownloads used now as Mysql engine innoDB

Update 2014-04-29 Version 2.5.4 Beta published:

  • it is now only possible to publish categories when it exist also the corresponding folder
  • all three images are now correct imported when you will update from an older 1.9.x version
  • the date is now correct displayed in the logs
  • in the 'create download' form is now correctly used the default 'target category', when it was selected in menu item
  • small css correction for jcomments integration
  • a few missing mime types added for download function
  • the 'direct download' option should now work correctly
  • small fix in admin language files
  • german language files updated (are still in translation work and not complete yet)
  • when it is for the layout type 'files' selected a layout with checkboxes and in the frontend is as view selected 'All Categories', so also this list is now correctly displayed

Update 2014-05-05 Version 2.5.5 Beta published:

  • the 'batch' function to copy/move categories is reworked and should now do his work proper
  • MySQL query fix - to check user action in logs
  • german language files updated (are still in translation work and not complete yet for backend)
  • it should be used now the highest permissions for members which are assigned to multi user groups (in jD User Groups Settings)
  • using from deprecated ereg() removed
  • some browser title tags was not correct created
  • small css fix for users which have installed a Rocket Theme template (with Gantry framework)

Update 2014-05-11 Version 2.5.6 Beta published:

  • the 'search' function searched now also in the long and the short 'custom' text fields
  • it is now used the correct 'sort order' for the categories list in the frontend (selected in configuration or menu settings)
  • the thumbnail creation function supported now transpareny backgrounds for png images
  • 'nofollow' tag added for links to external license informations
  • the 'captcha' is now also correct displayed when you have activated the 'remove empty html tags' option
  • some div classes are changed in frontend to minimize problems with special templates
  • missing closing div tag added in the default category layout (must be added manually in early installation)
  • small corrections in language files

Update 2014-05-13 Version 2.5.7 Beta published:

  • the installation works now also when the database tables have a prefix with uppercase characters
  • the 'save as copy' function works now also correct with single quotes in the Downloads title
  • small fix in the user rule: 'how often can a user download the same file daily'
  • also in the view 'All Downloads' are now displayed the download buttons always correct
  • some bug fixes in the frontend creation/editing function
  • small correction in search results list

Update 2014-06-04 Version 2.5.8 Beta published:

  • the 'Top' module was added to the installation package
  • the 'Latest' module was added to the installation package
  • the 'Last Updated Files' module was added to the installation package
  • the menu 'Itemid' value should now used always correct
  • some corrections for the categories 'batch' function
  • a problem with the picture select boxes in the configuration is fixed
  • file icon for MP4 files added
  • some mime types added
  • css class corrections for frontend and backend
  • small corrections in the language files

Update 2014-06-23 Version 2.5.9 Beta published:

  • the in the last update new added module will be now also then installed, when it is not a complete new jDownloads installation
  • some bugs fixed in the 'auto monitoring' function
  • bug fixed in configuration select fields for 'pictures'
  • bugs fixed in the 'mass download' function
  • the option 'send download not over PHP script' should now work
  • 'creation date' was viewed instead 'modified date' in downloads details
  • the displayed 'breadcrumb' in the downloads details page should now be correct
  • small css fix - see here

Update 2014-07-01 Version 2.5.10 Beta published:

  • changelog will be published later here

Update 2014-07-12 Version 2.5.11 Beta published:

  • when a user is a member in multiple user groups it is now possible to define for every user group a special ranking value. So can always use the correct (most important) user groups settings. See documentation here.

Update 2014-08-11 Version 2.5.12 Beta published:

  • PLUpload script updated with the newest version 2.1.x
  • new toolbar buttons added in the PLUpload script page
  • PLUpload script use now his own language files (included are files for 30 languages)
  • the search field in the backend lists worked now correctly
  • it is now use for every backend list type different amounts of data per page
  • default 'User Group Ranking' value is now again zero for new created user groups
  • in the add/edit frontend downloads form is now only selectable categories, where the user has the permissions to create new downloads
  • in all frontend views are now also the filename viewed, when it is selected a file from a other download
  • the 'Add' button is now in the frontend only viewed, when for the user exist a global permissions, or at minimum a single category where the user has the permission to 'create'
  • upload form button for "add image" had a wrong attribut: readonly="readonly"
  • redirect to homepage after frontend upload fixed
  • missing html tag added for the creation form hint (span with class)
  • in the add/edit frontend downloads form must now be selected a value in the categories select box, otherwise is the form not savable
  • small typo corrected in german language file
  • small css problem fixed in the backend

Update 2014-08-16 Version 2.5.13 Beta published:

  • small correction in the uploaded filename handling

Update 2014-09-25 Version 2.5.14 Beta published:

  • frontend upload function improved
  • new option added: 'Use Tabs in Frontend Upload Form?'
  • when new categories or downloads are created, the access settings will be now inherited

Update 2014-10-31 Version 2.5.15 Beta published:

  • permissions are now inherited (for new categories and downloads) from the parent category or, for top level categories, from the component default permissions
  • support for the AlphaUserPoints component has been enhanced
  • the content element files for the FaLang component have been added
  • it now possible to delete a 'Download' when editing it from the frontend; extra descriptions have been added to the language files
  • some small fixes to reduce PHP warnings and notices have been made
  • small fix to allow a user to change the file size manually
  • small bug fixes in all modules when an image is shown
  • trim() error message fixed in all modules
  • some hints and descriptions were corrected in the language files
  • small fix for the jcomments 'view amounts of comments' option
  • small fix in search/tmpl/default_form.php
  • css fix for search form with beez template
  • fix from Colin to give a more compact details layout
  • fix for the editor button plugin (the link was not being built correctly)
  • the 'auto monitoring' function now ignores files with a single or double quote character in the file name
  • small fix in the configuration for the google 'adsense' field
  • tooltip added when viewing the parent category in backend downloads list
  • all actions if a user changed the upload root folder in the configuration have been removed to make it easier to change the path manually; the hints in the language files for this data field have also been improved
  • when thumbnails are created for a uploaded image these are no longer 'stretched' if the width or height is smaller than the defined thumbnail size

Update 2014-11-12 Version 2.5.16 Beta published:

  • the 'sort order' settings in the configuration now work correctly (for categories AND downloads)
  • new downloads added by the 'auto-monitoring' function now have permissions copied from their parent category
  • the frontend delete function for downloads works now correctly
  • revised css for jD buttons for better browser compatibility (by Colin Mercer)
  • users can now no longer skip a password or captcha protection by url manipulation
  • some corrections for better AlphaUserPoint support (by Marco aka ngo)
  • the downloads 'ordering' column has now operates correctly for the backend 'downloads' list
  • text improvements about using the password option in downloads
  • additional information text above the 'permissions panel' in the creation form
  • some very small corrections in language, css and other files

Update 2014-12-02 Version 2.5.17 Beta published:

  • the new jD Content Plugin has been added to the installation package
  • the new 'Editor Button Plugin' (for the Content Plugin) has been included in the installation package
  • all jD plugins or modules are now installed,or updated, correctly during the component installation process
  • it is now possible to re-install a jDownloads version which was already installed in Joomla (over-installation)
  • bug fixed for 'auto monitoring' in tables/download.php
  • bug fixed when a user creates a new download in the frontend and MUST select images for this download. An incorrect hint was shown previously
  • bug fixed in summary/tmpl/default.php when using passwords
  • bug fixed for 'single category menu' items when a files order like 'Most recent first' used
  • bug fixed to get a correctly built 'Select Download' page in the frontend when using the 'editor button plugin'
  • bugfix in route.php (only in 3.2 series)
  • setLocale() added in some php files to provide utf-8 support for basename()
  • some modifications in jdownloadshelper.php for the new content plugin
  • the download link editor button plugin has been reworked and a new parameter has been added (View Button in Frontend)
  • some 'notice' messages fixed in default.php files from some views
  • a few language definitions added into the language files
  • correction in 'alternate files layout' (the url_download placeholder was missing)
  • it was not always possible to upload jpg images for a download (the 'bad code' check was to restrictive)
  • some corrections again in jdownloads_buttons.css by Colin Mercer
  • some images have been replaced with more compressed versions

Update 2014-12-07 Version 2.5.18 Beta published:

  • utf8 bugfix when creating zip function (convert filenames from UTF-8 back to CP866 for Cyrillic)
  • 'direct download' option is now supported in the search results page
  • small css corrections
  • missing alt"" values added for some image tags
  • some notice messages fixed
  • 'empty' page fixed in content plugin
  • fixed warning message which was incorrectly shown sometimes in the frontend creation form
  • some other very small bug fixes

Update 2014-12-24 Version 2.5.19 Beta published:

  • permissions are now really inherited (for new categories and downloads) from the parent category or, for top level categories, from the component default permissions (users which had used the temporary fix via phpmyadmin should now use the new help tools to reset this again)
  • 2 new help functions added on the backend Tools page to reset permissions for categories and downloads
  • the download creation button was always viewed on the search page in the frontend
  • jD system plugin enhanced (new option added to disable partially the Joomla cache for special URL's
  • language files updated and a error fixed
  • 5 new language definitions added in /en-GB/en-GB.com_jdownloads.ini
  • css file corrected for search page in frontend (wrong backgound color)
  • layout fixes for footer (to make it html5 ready)
  • bug fixed: Fatal error: Class 'JDContentHelperQuery' not found in /components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php on line 685
  • a few other very small bug fixes

Update 2014-12-31 Version 2.5.20 Beta published:

  • corrections for the import process from 1.9.x (the imported Downloads retained now the original ID). So it can now be useful for some users to renew the import process.
  • bug for the calculated amount of (sub) items in the category view fixed
  • bug in content plugin fixed ($user_can_see_download_url)
  • bug in the new 'Reset Permissions' help tools fixed

Update 2015-01-07 Version 2.5.21 Beta published:

  • corrections for the import process from 1.9.x (importing Downloads now retains their original ID). So it may well be useful for some users to redo the import process. The bug from 2.5.20 has been fixed.
  • again a small correction for the calculated number of (sub) items in the category view
  • the install/update process creates now creates an empty custom css file if it does not already exist
  • the simple 'editor button downloadlink' plugin is removed by the update process
  • the 'readonly' tag in the image section in download/tmpl/edit.php and download/view.html.php has been removed
  • some other small corrections and fixes

Update 2015-01-15 Version 2.5.22 Beta published:

  • bug fixed in the 'backup restoration' function. The process creates now for the Categories and Downloads also (empty) data sets in the 'assets' database table. But please note that the complete permission settings not can restored. So it is required to check and correct this when the process is finished.
  • bug fixed for search results in the frontend. Here is now always created a correct URL
  • bug in modules/mod_jdownloads_last_updated/helper.php fixed
  • bug in /tables/download.php fixed (user couldn't change the 'modified date' for downloads)
  • the default 'sort order' for the frontend sub category list was broken since 2.5.17
  • small bug fixed in mod_jdownloads_latest/tmpl/alternate.php
  • bug fixed in plugins/plg_content_jdownloads/jdownloads.php
  • language error fixed in language/de-DE/de-DE.com_jdownloads.ini
  • send() method in download.php corrected (check for access added)

Update 2015-01-20 Version 2.5.23 Beta published:

  • fix for theoretical SQL injection risk during category creation and logs searching in the backend of Joomla - only accessible for jDownloads admin users so risk was low
  • count of subcats and files in category view finally fixed
  • small corrections in models/download.php and models/downloads.php
  • sorting in Downloads by Category fixed in backend

Update 2015-01-23 Version 2.5.24 Beta published:

  • thumbnails were not being created from uploaded images or pdf files when a user created a new 'Download' using the 'Files' page - fixed
  • after the beta 2.5.22 was it not always possible to download from the 'Uncategorised' category - fixed

Update 2015-02-16 Version 2.5.25 Beta published:

  • separators added in numbers of 'downloads' and 'views'
  • date fields in backend supported now multilanguage formats (in 'Files', 'Downloads', 'Logs')
  • some integer fields in backend are now converted to numbers with separators
  • the output from the scan.php is now displayed in the actually activated language
  • bug fixed in en-GB.com_jdownloads.ini (invalid character in line 1406)
  • the date field in modules supported now multilanguage formats
  • links in modules are now also created for 'direct' download
  • bug fixed in 'download' and 'downloads' view for general content plugin support
  • new placeholder possibilities added in jD content plugin (see plugin description in Joomla plugin manager)
  • small text added for this in language files
  • small css fix for FE tooltip
  • new db data field added for using a default 'access levels' in frontend form (currently only usable via phpmyadmin - editable in next release 3.3)
  • some typos corrected in english language file
  • Note: when you use the Komento component should you update also the jDownloads Plugin for Komento

Update 2015-02-20 Version 2.5.26 Beta published:

  • Bug fixed from version 2.5.25 in the backend 'Files' list

Update 2015-03-09 First stable version 2.5.27 published:

  • a certain combination  of configuration settings caused both the jD modules and jD front end listings to show a download link for Downloads that did not have a file to download
  • in the MyDownloads listing when a 'files' layout with 'checkboxes' was selected then in some circumstances the download button was not shown
  • corrected all downloads and my downloads view when a layout with checkboxes is selected
  • Downloads without files no longer have a download link (in all downloads and my downloads)
  • the category and download reset functions now change ALL jDownloads items
  • when jD is installed for the first time, the install script now creates default permission settings for the 'download' action
  • bug fixed in update section of script.php to use the correct 'version_compare'
  • bug fixed in edit forms (FE) to show the correct custom field labels and, where relevant, to show the * symbol for required fields
  • also the custom date field settings fixed
  • if the date and time fields in config are left blank then the LC format from the current Joomla language file is used
  • when multiple languages definitions for date fields are specified in config but if there is not a definition for the current language then the LC format from the Joomla language file is used
  • import process fixed to include category descriptions