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Downloads aus alter Joomla-Seite in Neuinstallation übernehmen?

Started by guest8010, 24.06.2014 17:33:06

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unsere Schulwebseite enthält etwa 250 Downloads. Im Zuge des Updates von Joomla 2.5 auf 3.x möchte ich eigentlich alles in ein frisches Joomla überführen (Beiträge mit J2XML). Habe ich eine Chance, unsere Downloads, die Beschreibungen und Kategorien aus dem alten Joomla zu exportieren und nach Joomla 3 zu überführen?


If you look in jDownloads Control Panel - Tools you will see a 'backup' button, and also a 'restore backup'.  The backup makes a complete copy of the database and downloads a file as a backup txt file with a name like "backup_jdownloads_v2.5.9_Beta_date_2014-06-24_17_59_22_.txt".  The actual download folders and files are not copied.  The assumption is that you are keeping all the folders in the same place. 

The Joomla migrate from 2.5 to 3.x should leave all your jDownloads folders and files untouched.   But in any case as a precaution I would advise making a copy of your jDownloads  folders and files either on your server or by using ftp to your PC.   The databases have exactly the same structure in both series.

Usually the jDownloads files and folders start in folder jdownloads in your web root.  To check look at jDownloads Control Panel - Configuration - Downloads tab.  The first item gives the location of your jDownloads information

Colin M


Hi Colin!
Thank you. I think, I must  make an update of my JDownloads 1.9 to the 2.5.9_beta-Version under Joomla 2.5?
I know the Backup-Button from Joomla-Updates - safety first ;)
After the backup I copy thefolders/files at the same place in Joomla 3. After this I have to restore the txt-File.

(Sorry for the "English" - born in the GDR  ::) )


Yes you have the sequence AOK :)  But you can if you wish go from the 1.9 series direct to the j32 series on the latest Joomla 3.x
Suggest you might like to look at
depending on what route you decide finally.  Also it would probably be helpful to look at

Remember that both the j25 and j32 jDownloads series are beta versions.  The are 3 or 4 known bugs still awaiting resolution.  One of these relates to Joomla User Groups.

Colin M