
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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jDownloads + Falang

Started by Jean-Pierre, 01.11.2015 14:45:07

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I use the Falang extension to manage the translations of jDownload categories and download descriptions. The two products work perfectly together and I can only recommend Falang for multilingual sites.

There is however one jDownloads table where no XML file for Falang seems to exist: jdownload_licences. I wrote the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<falang type="contentelement">
<name>jDownloads Licenses</name>
<description>Definition for the jDownloads component (series 2.5/3.2+) - Licenses</description>
    <table name="jdownloads_licenses">
        <field type="referenceid" name="id" translate="0">ID</field>
        <field type="titletext" name="title" translate="1">Title</field>
        <field type="text" name="alias" translate="1">Alias</field>
        <field type="htmltext" name="description" translate="1">Description</field>

The translation can be done and is saved, but it does not show up in the frontend, only the default language.

Thank you for your help


i must test this. Give me a day...
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!



The author of Falang identified and solved the problem :)

Line 165 of file com_jdownloads/models/summary.php, reading
$query->select('l.title AS license_title, l.url AS license_url, l.description AS license_text');
has to be replaced by
$query->select('l.title AS license_title, l.url AS license_url, l.description AS license_text, as lid'); 



Hi Jean-Pierre,
many thanks for this info.
But this line exist also in some other models. So i think we should change also this.

Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!