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Adding CRC checksum to Joomla 4 update files[DONE]

Started by Jefferson49, 08.04.2023 12:48:29

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Observed with jD 4.022 while upgrading to 4.024

After upgrading jD in Joomla 4, I get a warning "No checksum found on the update server". The background is that starting with Joomla 4, it is a new Joomla policy to ask for using a CRC checksum (e.g. SHA 256) in the update XML file (, which corresponds to the downloaded update file.

It is not urgent or mandatory, but it would be good to add it some time.

The CRC code can be added with a line as follows (example for SHA 256):




yes I have see this.

But actually this should only be an option and an error message should only appear if an invalid value is found. At least that's how I understood it. I was therefore surprised by the (new) message that suddenly appeared.

I will certainly add this, but it will take a while. Unfortunately I have too much else to do at the moment. 
Best Regards / Gruß
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While updating to 4.0.29, I recognized that a sha384 checksum is now available and Joomla does not show a warning any more.

Thank you for addressing this issue!