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Another search and php8

Started by Spark640, 13.04.2022 16:23:14

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I have the samr problem as the previous post about the search and php8 so i made sure I was on the latest version of Jdownloads. Still  getting 'mb_strpos(): Argument #3 ($offset) must be contained in argument #1 ($haystack)'.
Reverted to PHP 7.4 - no more error


PHP8 has made many changes and difficult to detect in all situations
Could let us know what in search you were doing please.

Was it a very long string?
Colin M


Hi Colin

Clicked search entered 'Easter' and got the error. After this the error comes up when clicking search. This happens in different browsers, Firefox, Edge and Chrome. Attached is most of the unhandled exception message


The Exception type 'ValueError' is new in PHP8.
The trail you produced is very long but it does not show where is was called in jD! so could you do the start of the chain please
Colin M


Hi Colin, that was the beginning, I left out the sensitive server stuff at the end. I've put the site back to PHP 7.4 so everything works fine as it did before, going to leave PHP8 alone for the while but thanks for your time  8)


Note the beginning of the command chain is at the bottom of the error report list!! I should have made i clearer
Colin M