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Discuss about SEO / Macht SEO Sinn?

Started by lukass2000, 21.11.2009 18:20:38

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In my experience, a well structured page and the right use of title and h1 tags will get you far. It is hard though to get high in the search results...


Yes, I agree and that is very easy to say, but, search engines have become essential places for finding information.

Also, they have proven to be worthy to businesses around the world by providing them with alternative methods for marketing. This is in due to the 14 billion internet users (monthly) who turn to search engines to find what they are looking for. 

I need to find a school to teach this course to me.


hey everybody, If you are new to SEO then let me just give you a quick intro about SEO. SEO is acronym for Search engine optimization. SEO is a blend of Science and Art to make a website more search engine friendly. The science part of SEO involves Researching, discovering new thing, Trial and error, learning from errors while the ART part involves the practice. The more you practice the stronger you get in SEO.

Both Science and ART part make you a SEO gure. Together they make you a master of SEO.
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Jenny Ho1234

There are a lot of resources out there talking about SEO and you don't know what can be trust. Over a year, I learnt that all I have to do is to test by myself.


I read this post from couple year ago. I hope it can help you guys, a little.
I just summarised :
I./On page Optimization :
- Head Section Order
- Title tag
- Description tag
- Keywords tag
- Overall word Count
- Alt Attributes with Keywords
- Dashes vs underscores in URL
- Fully Qualified Links
- make Java Script/CSS External.
II./ Off page Optimization ;
- Site Map
- Text navigation
See more at
It is good for newbies to begin with SEO.


There's certainly a lot to learn with SEO : its forever evolving.


Wow, thanks graywlf for the info! I think the main factor for SEO is backlinking. Of course you need to optimise you web page but backlinking has more influence on SEO than anything else.
I love my fish finder!


To my humble opinion and for those who don't want to spend nights learning about SEO; just go to and find a good spe***t. There are people there who are brilliant, and thew are not necessarily expensive. They'll do all the job for you. It doesn't stop you to learn few things of course, but why not ranking right away ?


That's great news for seoer, I'm a novice seoer needed to learn more so any useful information about seo is needed, thank you for sharing.


I believe that after after series of Google Penguin Panda updates now  ranking strategy and seo methodology have totally changed .
Its recommended to attain high ranks keep the things simple. Design quality website and focus on content , it must be unique , informative and 100% original  .
Do proper interlinking and use tools like brokenlinkchecker to check there's no broken links.

Now coming to job to be done outside website . Its arranging quality links . Now its all about arranging few high quality links. Its suggested to use tools like to check links of high ranked competitors and try arranging links from same places.




Could you please share those SEO tuitorials? Thank you alot!
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Me, too. I like SEO and wants to learn some more but it seems I can't jump in the discussion because I don' understand a single word, except of course SEO.
By the way, i want to do SEO with a lots keyword: quy trình giám sát thi công xây d?ng and nhà ti?n ch? gác l?ng