
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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Use titles in SEF URLs not work

Started by paranic, 02.05.2015 22:22:14

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hi, in jd 1.9x my site urls was like this with set no "Use titles in SEF URLs" option

but in jd 3x this option Does not work and put cat and download titles in url

sorry my EN language is bad



I have not used the option "Use files title as download link?" for a very long time, and would confirm that it is not working.
So I have moved to the bug category.  Most people use SEF and want the names.

Config use.sef.with.file.titles does not appear to be used when creating links for cats or downloads

Colin M


Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!



I have the same problem, I'm currently waiting a fix for this bug so then I can finally migrate to the latest version of Jdownloads. Please do not change the links style : "/viewdownload/109/764" because my programs use those links to check the updates. And I cannot change my programs.

Unlike you think, there's many people who do not use safe url especially for jdownloads, because like for me, I need to change the title of my downloads many time (like for updates) so it will also change the url which is not what I want.

Thank you very much



I must confirm that this option is not used in the new jD series.
I will see what i can doing here. But it seems not to be so easy.  :-\
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!



Any update ?
Is there a way to simply disable sef url in Jdownloads by removing some php code ? at least that would fix the bug for me while waiting for a new release .

Thank you,




As Arno indicated this is not a simple fix.  If it were simple Arno would have posted a replacement php file.  So very sorry about this but it takes time because of all the options to test once the cure has been found. :(

Colin M


Hi rikoooo,
Quote... with set no "Use titles in SEF URLs" option
actually should this option be removed from configuration - but i have it overlooked.  :-\

Have you tried to deactivate the sef settings in Joomla global configuration?
Possible also to use a sef component to build the link in your scheme.

Fact is, that it is not possible to use the old option in the moment. I would have to rework to many files to get this option usable.
So i will remove this option in the next release. Sorry.

Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hello Arno,

Thanks for your reply. I understand that you will remove this option :(

I actually need SEF for the rest of my componant in Joomla, so I can't disable SEF in joomla setting. And the use of a sef componant won't help much either.

What I need is to have my page description links looking that way : (this is Jdownloads 1.9 style) however, I have noticed that in Jdownloads 3.2.31 or 2.5.28 the links also works with this style :

So what I did is adding a line in .htaccess to replace (redirect) /downloads/viewdownload/ by /downloads/download/ and it works, so my programms now still point to the correct url.

Best regards,



Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!