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Status: ImageMagick PHP Module 'Imagick' is missing

Started by Uwe2017, 29.05.2017 13:03:42

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My configuration: Joomla 3.7.1; php 7.0; Jdownloads 3.2.51, Mysql 5.6.36                                                     

I got the place at my provider (Strato) for Imagemagick.
Where do I have to enter the paths in jdownloads?

The path to ImageMagick / Image Magick / opt / RZmagick4 / bin / (Version 4.2.9)
/ Opt / RZmagick / bin / (version 6.6.1-2)

Thank you for help! Best regards Uwe


ImageMagick should be installed both as a library and have the PHP extension.  See the jD message below taken from Config - Pictures tab in the ImageMagick section.  This should be done by your site hosting service.  For example my main site is a regular web based hosting service and I get the message, in green, that Imagemagick is present but on my WAMPP site installed on my PC there is no ImageMagick added into PHP by the WAMPP people so I get the red message that ImageMagick is not installed. 

So basically your site host needs to do the necessary.

To install on WAMPP see

Description in jD Config
"When Yes then a thumbnail is automatically created for an uploaded PDF file. Important: For this to work then a version of the ImageMagick library and the Imagick PHP extension must be installed on the server. An status message is shown."

Colin M


Hi ! My provider has installed imagemagick and told me the location of the installation.
(See above) But now I have to say JD in a config, where JD finds imagemagick, right?
regars Uwe


No you do not need to tell jDownloads the location - there is no provision and no need to tell jD where ImageMagick is located on your server.  As far as jD is concerned it is part of the PHP library functions
Your site provider needs to include the ImageMagick php module into the php setup.  That is why I sent you the bit about doing the installation on XAMPP so you could send link to your site provider tech support to give them some idea of what to do.

Colin M