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Is that possible with Jdownload?

Started by peaceandlove, 01.04.2016 23:16:55

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what we want

a) User register at site
b) Fill some form and upload files,
c) Came back and manage its files
d) Admin or manger can view particular user files.

It like boos who want to check its emplyer work, each employer will upload its work and boss will check each employer work by search each employer easily.

Will any of your extension will do that.


the answer is YES. I will help you set it up but I will need a little more detail.  How many users are you likely to have?  The key is in the organisation and the way permissions and view access are set up.

The simplest solution is that each user has their own user group and specific categiory

Colin M


There is no fixed, user , user will register at site.

Just like in simple file manager extesnion, they created folder for each user, auto.

and user upload goes there, but there we user cnanot manage it.



I did not mean a fixed user but that when a user registers you need to set several things up for that user.  So there will be a delay between the user registering and being able to manage their uploads whilst you set up things.
How many users do you expect?

A very simple scheme
If the user is going to upload then then their name will automatically be set as the creator.  jD has a menu item type which is "list my downloads" so set up such a menu item with view Access set to Registered. 
Control of the Upload form from the Front End is through the Users Groups Settings. So adjust those settings for the Registered UG.  Ensure that the user cannot select the Creator or the Modifier and that the view Access is forced to Registered.  Also do not allow user to change category or to see the Add button.
Create the top level category and ensure it has Download, Create and Edit Own Permissions.

If all set correctly then when a registered user logs on they will only be able to see their own Downloads.

You will also need a hidden menu item List All Categories type, could be with a view Access of say Super User.

PS there may be a few more items to set to perfect things
Colin M