
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Tutorial for first secured installation

Started by DniBo, 23.04.2017 07:36:16

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Dear all,

I'm a beginner with JDownloads and think this component could be what I'm looking for :-)

I had set up a new Joomla instance, this should be an internal WebPage to deliver documents to our club members only. I have read many of posts so I know we need a secured installation and the path to the documents should be on a secured location.

But how can I do this?

I also would like to have the possibility our members can download several files into one zipped file (this should be possible with the right template).

Because I'm a beginner with JDownloads it would be better to have a tutorial how the component has to be configured.

We use the Joomla ACL to make shure the members can only see what the members need and are allowed for them.


PS: do we have any documents/tutorials in German?


Because jD has so many options then writing a tutorial that suits everyone is 'challenging'!!
Nearly all of the documentation in has been written by me, but regret I can only do this in English.

The facility you want, that is to allow users to select several Downloads in on zip file is standard.  It is controlled by which Files Layout you use.  You need one with 'checkboxes' such as "Standard Files Layout with Checkboxes v3.2".  In addition you should use a menu item type 'List All Categories'  Note that checkboxes are not supported by menu item type 'List All Downloads.

I presume from your remarks you are ok with permissions and view access.
If you have a separate point please raise another topic.

Colin M


QuotePS: do we have any documents/tutorials in German?
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Hallo Arno,

auf automatischen Translator verzichte ich lieber, manchmal muss man sich mehr Gedanken über das Ergebnis machen als es einem lieb ist :-)

Ich hoffe es ist ok wenn ich in Deutsch weitermache...

Für die Mitglieder unseres Vereins habe ich pro Register eine Benutzergruppe angelegt, als Struktur habe ich unterhalb Registriert die beiden Abteilungen (BFZ, FZ) angelegt und jeweils unter diesen Abteilungen die Register (siehe Image1).

Verstehe ich das richtig das ich nun in JD die gleiche Struktur erstellen kann und dann in den Berechtigungen jeweils nur die Benutzergruppe berechtige?

Muss ich dann alle anderen Gruppen explizit auf verboten setzen?

Mich irritiert das per default alle Benutzergruppen unterhalb Registriert auf "vererbt" stehen, aber in den berechneten Rechte bei Download auf "Erlaubt" (siehe Image2).

Wie muss ich vorgehen das erst mal alles nicht erlaubt ist und ich dann nur die betreffenden Kategorien auf erlaubt setzen kann? Wäre meines erachtens auch sicherer falls mal eine neue Kategorie angelegt wird die per sofort für den Download auf "Erlaubt" steht.

Die Seite ist als interne Seite angelegt, um etwas zu sehen, muss man sich erst anmelden.

Ich möchte es so sicher als möglich konfigurieren so das kein Register die Dokumente des anderen Registers sehen bzw downloaden kann.

Viele Grüsse,

Nachtrag: Registriert, Mitglieder und FZ bzw BFZ müssten ja gesperrt sein, alle Untergruppen bis auf die benötigte auch.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I have helped many users with the Joomla! permissions and access.  Yes you can make each section totally separate so that they can only see their own category.  One needs a xombination of the Permissions and the View Access
When Referring to categories, user groups and view access I find it useful to adopt a naming convention.  In your case I would suggest the the jD categories are called BFZ and FZ as the user will see those categories. For the user groups I would call them BFZ_ug, BFZ_uploader and FZ_ug, FZ_uploader respectively.   Then for the Access levels I would call them BFZ_view, BFZ_uploader_view, FZ_view and FZ_uploaderview.

Having created the user groups now we can make the view Access levels.
You need 6 Access view levels, 4 used on the jd Downloads and Categories and 2 used on menus:
BFZ_view should have members BFZ_ug and BFZ_uploader.
BFZ_uploader_view should have BFZ_uploader as its only member.
FZ_view should have members FZ_ug and FZ_uploader.
FZ_uploader_view should have FZ_uploader as its only member.
BFZplusFZ_view with members BFZ_ug, BFZ_uploader, FZ_ug and FZ_uploader.  This will be used for Menu item types such as List All Categories
BFZplusFZ_uploader_view with members BFZ_uploader and FZ_uploader. This is for the Create/edit a Download menu item type from the front endFront End, but could have two separate such menu items

Now I suppose you have two top level categories, one called BFZ and the other called FZ.  Set the view Access to category BFZ as BFZ_view and similarly set the view Access to category FZ as FZ_view.   This means that only members of BFZ_ug or BFZ_uploader can see Downloads in category BFZ and its child sub-categories and so on.  Similarly category FZ is only seen by members of its view Access level.

Now let us look at Permissions, these control the Actions that may be taken.
The first rule in regard to permissions is that you should never use 'deny' in the permissions.  This is because it has many side effects you might not expect.  The default situation is that if one does nothing then download and other actions such as editing are not allowed.  If you have set Deny somewhere please set back to Inherited and ensure you do a Save.  Deny can be used in certain very special circumstances.  The complications all come about because of the Joomla! inheritance rules

When you installed jD it probably set the component download permission in the Public Group to Allowed.  So the first thing to do is to go to the Options button on the jD Control Panel and set the Public UG download permission to Inherited.  So the state should now be that no one can Download unless you have specifically set the permission.  To make sure use the jD Tools Reset Categories Permissions and Reset Downloads Permissions.

Now go to the jd Categories and choose say top level category BFZ.  Click on Permissions Button and select UG BFZ_ug. Set Download Permission to Allowed and SAVE - it is the Save that does the actual work!!  Go to the UG BFZ_uploader. You should see that the Download Permission is computed as allowed.  Set Permissions Create and Edit to Allowed and again Save.  Whilst in category BFZ look at the permissions for UG FZ_ug and see that FZ_ug is not allowed to Download, Edit or Create in this Category.  Similarly check out that UG FZ_uploader computed permissions are not allowed

Next select category FZ from the jD Categories, set up UG FZ_ug to have Downloads Allowed, and UG FZ_uploader permissions as Allowed for Create and Edit Permissions.  Always remember to do a Save or a Save and Close.

You can now create/edit your menu items, and set up the User Groups Settings for UGs FZ_uploader and BFZ_uploader.  Make sure each User Groups settings have a ranking of say 131 and 133 or similar - it is better to have each at a value higherthan super user and that they should be different values.


PS if you get stuck please PM me super user details and I will help you sort out - many people have challenges with the Joomla! permissions.  It is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle - obviously impossible but easy when you have done it!!
Colin M


Hi Colin,

thanks a lot for your answer, I will try to follow it and to set up the things I need.

One question more: Is it possible to hide the jD categories when the user don't have permission for it? My plan is to show only the categories for which the user have the right set in his profile.



There is no "per user" selection in the general sense; Joomla permissions only work at the User Group level.
Colin M



von der Aussage her hast Du Recht, vorerst dachte ich echt daran sicherzustellen das die Dokus verschlüsselt sind, aber dann hat sich der Fokus geändert.

Ich schaue mir mal die Datei an und hoffe das ich es richtig anpassen kann.

Wichtig ist jetzt natürlich auch das kein Dokument downloaded werden kann wenn der Link bekannt, der Anwender aber keine Rechte hat.

Viele Grüsse,


Another aspect is to make use of the Joomla! view Access level.  This controls if the Download is visible. 

In the following just for the purposes of explanation I have appended View to relate to a view Access Level, UG to mean a User Group and Cat to mean a jD category or sub category and so on.
Also remember you can allocate a user to multiple User Groups

A view Access level such as say SportsView could have User Groups: FootballUG; CricketUG;Water-PoloUG; and so on.  If we have a jD Category Called SportsCat and we set its view Access level to SportsView then only members of user groups FootballUG; CricketUG;Water-PoloUG; and so on will ever see the relevant Downloads. 
Of course if there is say a sub-cat of SportsCat called say FootballCat and we set its view Accees to FootballView where the only Group in FootballView is FootbalUG then the only people who will see the category and it Downloads associated with Footbal are members of the FootballUG.

When creating User Groups bear in mind Joomla's inheritance rules.  So I use a 'flat' system where all the user groups have Registered as their Parent.   The inheritance rule means that the user is a member of the parent, the grandparent and so on User Groups.  This does mean they must login.  Rather than use the normal Joomla! registration one could use a simple email form (I use the free Simple Email Form module) to tailor the interests of the person. You become in charge of their email and password. This could be much work with a large site.

Colin M


Hi KultGamer,

danke für Dein Beitrag, sehr interessant und Idee die ID der Gäste abzufangen, nice... :-)

Eine Frage dazu mit anderem Zusammenhang:
Ich bin ein Freund davon nichts anzuzeigen was der User nicht sehen soll, also wäre es schön wenn die Inhalte (Kategorien, Downloads ?) erst nicht aufgeführt wenn der User keine Rechte dazu hat.

Hast Du evtl auch ein Vorschlag dazu?

Ist mir gerade beim lesen so eingefallen :-)

Wäre auch eine nette Option für's Backend, quasi die Wahl lassen ob ich alles anzeigen lassen will oder die Teile ausblende wenn der Besucher diese nicht sehen darf.



The view Access level sets which user group can or cannot see things.
Colin M


Hi Colin,

sure, but in my case we need a lot of Access Levels and it should be easier to hide categories which the user should not see or have Access to it.

I mean when we can prevent the visibility of the category during the code it should work too (so do I understand).

In case we have 10 categories but the user should only see one of them, we need 10 access levels and it should work. But when we can prevent the visibility of categories which he doesn't have to see, it is maybe better to configure using the ACL system within the categories.

Because I'm not the only admin, it is also clear for other colleagues when a new category is needed.

But it is possible I'm totaly wrong :-)



You are right. You only need to set the access level on the Categories.  However do not use the List All Downloads Menu Item.

Also when you create a Download or a sub Category if you do not select its Access Level (ie leave as Public)it will automatically use the access level of its parent category. Unlike ACLs Joomla! does not propagate access level into existing items.

Colin M