jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => Bugs => Topic started by: angelocani on 15.03.2016 12:01:49

Title: manage categories with many ACL
Post by: angelocani on 15.03.2016 12:01:49
When the number of joomla user group is high it's impossible manage the jdownòoads categories
Title: Re: manage categories with many ACL
Post by: ColinM on 15.03.2016 16:50:39
I have no problem with ACL , number of User Groups and jD Categories.
Perhaps you could explain a bit more about what you are trying to achieve and maybe I can help.

As a guide how many User Groups do you have?  And also how many Top level, that is categories with no parent, do you have?

Are you perhaps trying to give individual users their own set of permitted Downloads?  In this case I suggest you might find the following article helpful.

Please note the difficulty is not in jDownloads but in the Joomla! Permissions and its intricacies.  Once mastered it is reasonably straight forward but initially it is challenging.
Also if you have found you have set any permission anywhere to Deny then you will quickly find yourself in a problem because of side effects.  If you think that may have occurred use the two permission reset tools in jD Tools to get back to the known state with everything as Inherited.  Also Check the Component Permissions and ensure all UGs have Inherited for Download.  -- Use Options on jD Control Panel tool bar to get to Component permissions.

If however that is not the case then it depends on the number of different "classes" of downloads.  By a "class" I mean that a set of Downloads are only to be available to a certain set of users.  And these users may be in different User Groups (UGs).  Suppose you have say 20 different classes.  So I would set up 20 top level categories, Cat1, Cat2 and so on. Associate all the downloads in that class with that category.  Note you can create multiple Downloads that will access the same file so actually one file could be downloaded from multiple separate Downloads.  Next I would create 20 UGs with a name such as Cat1UG, Cat2Ug etc and each UG would have Registered as its parent.  And now create 20 view Access levels called say Cat1view, Cat2view, etc where the sole member of Cat1view is Cat1UG etc.
The next thing would be to go to Cat1 and set its Permisions for Cat1UG to Allowed for Download.  All other permissions for all other Categories would remain at Inherited. Never use Deny as it will cause unexpected side effects!!  Repeat that for Cat2, that is only allowing Cat2UG permission to Download. And so on for all the top level categories..

Now if a user needs access to one of more "classes" then join him to the relevant UGs.

There are multiple variations but it all depends on how you want to classify your downloadable files.

Title: Re: manage categories with many ACL
Post by: angelocani on 15.03.2016 18:22:04
Thank you very much for the answer an escume for the bad english.
The structure of the site is descibed in thi article http://www.joomla.it/e-ancora/articoli-community-3x/7898-gestione-download-di-un-numero-elevato-di-documenti.html
The number of users, user groups and ACL are about 150 because  every user has own reserved area.
Until about 100 user group the system works very well. Then, increasing the user group number, became slower and finally stop.
The operation happens in the category menu of the jdownloads control pannel.
In this section are the categories list automatically created from folders uploaded: for every category is here assigned manually the ACL.
If you give me an your private contact I send you credentials for see th back end of the site.
Title: Re: manage categories with many ACL
Post by: ColinM on 15.03.2016 20:23:34
I have sent you a PM which you can reply to OK.

Did you see the article I mentioned as that might be a better way of organising things.  It has a very much lower overhead.
