jDownloads Support Forum

Older Versions => jDownloads 3.2 (Support ended) => Topic started by: theguy on 12.01.2015 08:19:43

Title: Duplicated files on server [Solved]
Post by: theguy on 12.01.2015 08:19:43

I've setup Jdownloads so registered users can upload files. The thing is, I would like them to upload files with existing names to the server and not new files. The uploaded files are basically an updated version of the current files. The thing is that the files are uploaded in addition to the existing ones and won't over write them or replace them.
Is there an option to overwrite files with similar names when uploaded?

Thank you for the great support and product,

Title: Re: Duplicated files on server
Post by: ColinM on 12.01.2015 22:37:46
You want your users to have 'Edit' permission  In say list All Downloads they will then see a pencil sign.  Clicking on that will take them to the Edit a Download, not Create.  This allows replacing the file.
Please see attached pics.

If you never want them to be able to create a new Download then do not give them Create Permission.  If you create the first Download for a User then you can set them as the owner and only give them Edit Own permission.  In this way all your 'editors'  will be only able to edit their own Downloads.

Also see docs on Controlled Access to Categories and Downloads (Permissions & Access Levels)  in FAQ


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: Duplicated files on server
Post by: theguy on 14.01.2015 09:46:48
Hi Colin,

Thank you very much for your answer.
I was hoping it would be something like that. You guys really gave it a thought :)

Thank you for the top extension.
