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Inherited Permissions not working

Started by richard152, 23.11.2021 16:43:41

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We have been using jdownloads for some time and its worked really well for us.

Recently we started having an issue with permissions, we did upgrade JD version.

The entry is showing that Public is "Allowed (Inherited)" to download but it wont actually work on the front end, we have to manually go to every download and explicitly select "Allowed".

We are on JD 3.2.69 and Joomla 3.6.5 running on IIS7 using PHP 7.1.4 and MySQL 5.6

I have seen the exact issue highlighted in this old post linked below. I was able to fix the issue globally with the two SQL updates on the assets table.

When I come to add a new download, the problem reoccurs just to the newly uploaded file.

I see this was a bug and fixed in much older versions but we are on higher version.

Could you help? My site is not on an internal system therefore I cant give access but any tips would help.

Thank you


Sounds to me that somewhere you have a permission set to Deny.
Also remember that for permermissions the Public permissions are the top so everything cascades down from there.
The real start of the permissions is is in Joomla! itself then in the the Component Permission then categories and finally in the Downloads.  To see the jD Componemt permissions go to jD Contol Panel then on top right select Options.
Are you allowing public Downloads? Or is it just Registered? or a mixture of some public and some registered?

You system is somewhat old!  Whilst it meets Joomla! 3 needs I would suggest you seek to upgrade your site
Colin M


Hi Colin,

Thanks for the response.

I have attached screenshots of each permission. They seem to be calculated correctly but we have to manually select "allowed" instead of "inherited". The script i previously mentioned also works.
We are allowing all downloads from public.

We are planning to update the entire platform next year but we need a temporary fix for this. Have I done everything correctly from my screenshots? any other ideas?

Thanks again



HiThis challenging without backend access to the site!!  Checking is tedious but needs to be very systematic.  Note that the Public Permission is the 'root' and permissions cascade down from the root to the other User Groups.  Generally there is no quick fix!
The Sup[er User permission are a special case as a super user is always allowed to do anything - but again Deny can inhibit.  Never use deny.

First Check the Joomla! Global Permisions. Go to Jooma! System - Global Configuration and click on the permissions tabThen for each User Group check the permissions are as rerqiured, specifically ensure no permission is set at Deny.  Note these permissions do not have Download.

Next check the so called Component Permissions.  Again go to to Jooma! System - Global Configuration and on the lefthand side you will see the list of installed Components plus other items.  Click on jDownloads.  This takes you to the jD Settings.  The last tab is the so called Component Permissions.  So again examine the permissions for EVERY User Group.  This set incudes the Download permissions. Make sure there are no Deny permissions. In your case where every Download is available publicly I would set Download permission to Allowed for the Public UG and check that all the other user groups get allowed(inherited)

For the next stage I sugest a total reset of the jD permissions by using the jD Tools menu items - go to jD Tools and use Restet Categories permissions, then use  Reset Download Permissions.
We now have a 'clean' setup so all should be well.  But if you missed something in the checking it may still be a 'challenge'
Colin M