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Lengthen time out period

Started by Chessdad, 03.03.2017 21:55:49

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I have a large file (3700M) I uploaded to the files section. When I go to create a download I get timed out at 30 sec. Is there somewhere I can go to lengthen the time to create a download so I don't time out? Thanks for your assistance.


This is not something that is controllable by jD.  The usual problem is the setup of PHP. There are a variety of other settings in the php.ini that control what may be done.  But also see later for an alternate method.

One of the php settings is  max_execution_time  which is often set to a default of 30 seconds. 
You may also have had a buffering problem and need to increase upload_max_filesize and pos_max_size
You may need to contact your hosting service to change these values. Often one canb put a file called php.ini with contents such as shown below.  The php.ini file should be put in the Joomla! root location which is typically a directory called public_html but it depends on your hosting service.
upload_max_filesize = 256M post_max_size = 257M
max_execution_time = 300

A completely different way would be to upload the file using an ftp client such as FileZilla. 
You can upload a file to directory <site-root>/jdownloads and then from the backend go to the jD control panel and use the Files section. 
This allows you to create the Download

Colin M