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Tool Tip Format [solved]

Started by wolfspyryt, 06.06.2015 14:12:13

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I have a problem to reproduce your problem here.
See the pics. No different license text in tooltip for guest and super admin.

Can it be that you have changed the text filter settings in global config? On the last pic are the default settings.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!



I have not changed. They are all at default Black list except super admin is at no filter. I attached a pic.

I also played with those settings. Nothing changed. I cleared Joomla cache and browser cache of course.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]



ONLY Super-Admin is seeing the correctly formatted tooltips. Even Registered members get the html code included and no formatting.

Note in the revealed code below the difference when logged in as Super-Admin vs not logged in.

It is DEFINITELY something to do with viewing access or permissions somehow, as ONLY logged in Admins see correct formatting on front end.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


If I wanted to add tooltips I would use the NoNumber tooltip plugin.

The 2 pics attached illustrate this.  First one added in my default files layout

<tr><td></td><td>This is followed by a tool tip {tip You can use bold, italic, underlined text.
Or use enters and any other markup you want!}Hover here to see tooltip{/tip}</td></tr>
   <tr> <td width="5%"></td><td>{tags}</td></tr>

Second pic was in description part using the button that comes with the plugin.

I think the problem you are having is a Joomla! problem when switching to Component based code - maybe ??? The main thing though is you need tooltips so... :) ;) :D



[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Thank you Colin.
My concern is, these are Tool-Tips that are included with jDownloads. How would I then get the same data, "File Title & Description" automatically into the tooltip? What jDownloads offers is perfect. And it is ONLY the jDownloads tooltip that is not working. Is there any more help or advice you can give? As I said, I did not create these tooltips, they are something in jDownloads???


This looks like a Template problem abot loading sequence.  Please se
which describes the symptoms

Colin M


I have read dozens of these articles, and tried the suggested remedies. None have worked. Still hoping Arno can sort it out. He promised to look further, so we sill see. Colin, If I knew how to accomplish the re-ordering of the script calls, I would. I need someones assistance.


Hi Terry,
as i had described it before here:
It is not possible for me to reproduce your tooltip here in my environment. When i try it here is all very well.  ::)

Here is the source code to create the tooltip in jD:
        $lic_data .= JHtml::_('tooltip', $files[$i]->license_text, $files[$i]->license_title);
(/views/category/tmpl/default.php line 1071)

We use here the Joomla function, also described more here:!_website

We could remove the html tags from the license text. But i'm not sure that this is a good idea. Nobody else seems to have a problem here. :-\
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Just curious... What tooltips could you see? I have dozens of members complaining they see it too. I see the same issues elsewhere with other components due identical. I found that it is the order in which jquerry is called. I found people report when changing the order, it fixes the problem. I d not know how to do that.
I would love to see screen shots from you of my site showing the tooltips looking normal.


Additionally, the article link you sent goes to a page that does not exist.


Quote from: Arno on 06.07.2015 14:59:10
Hi Terry,
as i had described it before here:
It is not possible for me to reproduce your tooltip here in my environment. When i try it here is all very well.  ::)

Here is the source code to create the tooltip in jD:
        $lic_data .= JHtml::_('tooltip', $files[$i]->license_text, $files[$i]->license_title);
(/views/category/tmpl/default.php line 1071)

We use here the Joomla function, also described more here:!_website

We could remove the html tags from the license text. But i'm not sure that this is a good idea. Nobody else seems to have a problem here. :-\

Here is a good example of the problem and a solution I need help with:


Quote from: wolfspyryt on 06.07.2015 15:06:39
Additionally, the article link you sent goes to a page that does not exist.
Try this.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


I must away now for a few hours. Will check your posted link later.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


The problem seems to be some incompatibility or conflict between different versions of jQuery.  Joomla! policy is to always use the latest version of  jquery that is available.  The result is that there may well be some different effects as they release a new version.

By default Joomla! uses the jquery library located in directory <root>/media/jui/js/  where <root> is the base dir of your Joomla!
It is possible to overide the one that Joomla! loads by placing the required one in <root>/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/js/jui/

The above is taken from the article

To see which versions of jquery are in use in Joomla! see

If you load an older version of jquery into <root>/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/js/jui/ then that may solve the present problem.  If it does not work then just delete the jquery file and reload Joomla!

It may however be that some extensions load in a different version and that is causing the challenge. 

The tooltip support comes from the bootstrap library so it maybe that is where the incompatibility arrives. This is a multi extension problem.  Many extensions allow you to load one or other of the libraies.  That is usually because they have not updated to the latest ones, which is not unreasonable. 

So you could also try looking at the options in all your extensions to see if they offer the facility to 'load jquery'.  If so try turning that off in the extension.  You need to continue until all such options are turned off.

jDownloads uses whatever Joomla has loaded but if an Extension has 'reloaded' its own version then ...

If you use the Firefox browser then if you right click on the current page you can select 'Show Source'.  This will show where each version of the libraries has come from, and incidentally the css loading sequence wich is useful in other situations.

Obviously one does all this testing on a test site.

PS if your tests find something please let us know

I know of no easy solution here!! :( But maybe Arno does? :D
Colin M


Solved it. Required adding a missing javascript!

Using a plugin called jQuery Easy, I was able to add a javascript to the component, that was missing. I found it by comparing view source of "logged-in-admin" to "guest" and "registered users." What I found was there was a file ONLY loaded when admin was logged in. I added the script/code directly into jQuery Easy, and it now works as expected.
The missing code was:

<script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery(function($) {
         SqueezeBox.assign($('a.modal').get(), {
            parse: 'rel'
      function jModalClose() {
live_site = "";
function openWindow (url) {
        fenster =, "_blank", "width=550, height=480, STATUS=YES, DIRECTORIES=NO, MENUBAR=NO, SCROLLBARS=YES, RESIZABLE=NO");
jQuery(function($) {
          $('.hasTip').each(function() {
            var title = $(this).attr('title');
            if (title) {
               var parts = title.split('::', 2);
               var mtelement =;
     'tip:title', parts[0]);
     'tip:text', parts[1]);
         var JTooltips = new Tips($('.hasTip').get(), {"maxTitleChars": 50,"fixed": false});
   jQuery('.hasTooltip').tooltip({"html": true,"container": "body"});
            jQuery('.hasPopover').popover({"html": true,"trigger": "hover focus","container": "body"});
  <script type="text/javascript">

Now everything is correct!