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Exporting download list

Started by arco, 25.10.2019 14:05:57

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This is not directly a jDownloads issue, but related. (hope somebody knows what's going on)

I try to create a list of downloads by doing an SQL query.
This works fine on screen, but fails if I add INTO OUTFILE, and I don't understand why...
(according to the manual this should work:

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I think you should try it in a MySQL forum.
I have never use this.  :-[
Best Regards / Gruß
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Wie man hier sehen kann, ist deine SQL Syntax falsch:

Die INTO OUTFILE Anweisung muss vor FROM. Also vermutlich so:
SELECT file_id,file_title,url_download,size INTO OUTFILE 'test.csv' FROM jmdnx_jdownloads_files