
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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Layout bug for subcategories in Public access {Solved, mixed 2.5 & 3.2 layouts}

Started by etienne, 25.08.2017 13:55:58

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Hello Arno,

When displaying a subcategory, a public user encounters a layout bug (see attached file NOK).
When connected, the display is OK (see attached file OK).

The URL for testing is :

I don't understand what happens.
Thank you for  your help.
Best regards

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I cannot reproduce your problem! :(   I tried several ways including going via the menus.  Also tried various sub cats and still oK.
When you say
QuoteWhen connected, the display is OK
what do you mean by connected? Is it when logged in?

Could you advise which version of Joomla!, and version of jD please.
Do you know which browser is being used and on what OS? I t was OK for me on Firefox, Chrome and Edge
Also which Categories layout and Category layout are you using?

I see that the layouts you are using are <table based layouts which were used in the jD2.5 series, the latest layouts use <div structure through out.

Colin M


Hello Colin,

Thank you to try to help me to solve this issue.
By "connected", I mean logged in.
The display issue has now disappeared, maybe it was a problem in relation with cache.

But there is still a problem when displaying the subcategories :
Only few subcategories are displayed. When going to "Adoration", there should be 91 subcategories. Only 15 subcategories are displayed, beginning by "S".
If I change the option "Display empty categories" to "Yes", then all categories are displayed.

I have tested in Chrome and Firefox, there is the same issue.

I have changed the layouts used to use the latest 3.2 layouts using <div>.

Thank you for your help !
Have a nice week-end.



Hello Colin,

Hi again. With the new 3.2 layout with <div> structure, I have display issues :
When several files are displayed within a category, the last file appears at the bottom of the page, and the modules from right side are displayed in the component area...
Do you know why ?
Thank you !


Yes I see what you what is appearing!  Please see pics.
I Think you have a mixture of jD2.5 <table based and jD 3.2 <div based layouts.  I think this is causing the problem.

You need to select the div ones in Categories, Files, Download Details, Summary and Search Layouts as it is not good to mix them!  You just need to set the appropriate one as the Active one but there is one special case as detailed below.

In the Categories Layout section you should  also see see
Standard Categories Layout for paginated Subcategories
Standard Categories Layout for paginated Subcategories 3.2

FIRST click on 'Standard Categories Layout for paginated Subcategories 3.2'  In the main section look for field "Use for Subcategories?"
Set it to Yes, then Save and Close.
Immediately go to 'Standard Categories Layout for paginated Subcategories'. Again look  for field "Use for Subcategories?"
Set it to No, then Save and Close.

You might also consider importing one or more of the additional layouts. For details on importing see article below

The extra layouts are located in the Layouts Library


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Hello Colin,

Thank you for giving from your time to solve my problems.

In fact the old 2.5 categories layout was used for subcategories, even if not check with green mark.

And I forgot to upgrade the Files layout to 3.2 too.
This was causing the display problems, with the blue area and modules between downloads (like in the screenshot).
So this is solved now.

I tried to import layout, but it is not possible.
I already have this error :
"This layout required a newer jDownloads version. So update at first the version."
Even if I have jDownloads Version 3.2.54 !

Do you know why ?

Thanks a lot


Hello Colin,

One more bug :
in the dropdown menu on top right of the Jdownloads page, I don't see all the categories, lots are missing.

And a question :
is it possible to remove filtering options in JD Search ?
I don't find the option, neither in Plugin, in Component options nore in Menu options...

Thanks a lot for your help !

PS : to thank you for your support, I just have done a donation to JD paypal account...


Thanks for the donation - it helps pay for the website.

I have checked the Layout import and it works fine on my test site.  Too check further I would need super user access so please PM details if you want me to look. As a thought the files are .xml files.  So if you have free Notepad++ editor on your PC you can easily seem the file.

With the Categories list box this seems to be OK.  At a quick check there were between 1440 and 1450 categories.  When you make a change it is usually necessary to clear the browsers cache before you see the results.
PS One other thing that helps us is a strong review on the Joomla! Extension Directory.  See link below how to do this - you need a JED account as well

Colin M