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Edit download link in content plugin

Started by jjoosse, 27.11.2018 21:44:20

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On a joomla site which I maintain, I have an article in which a jdownloads category is shown. I do this using the content plugin:
{jd_file onlinelayout==Simple File List}{jd_file category==2}

I have given a group of users rights to edit these downloads in order to upload new files. This works on the normal category display, but in the article page the edit button is missing.

I've changed plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php  to show an edit button if the user has the rights to edit the download.

Patch and changed file are attached.  Patch is based on the latest version: 3.2.63.


Jan Kees Joosse

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


This very useful -thank you. And of course it works as it should.Will advise Arno about this suggestion/upgrade.  As we are presently working on the next major jD seies (v3.9) and anticipate a beta release soon I expect your enhancement will go into that version.  Not expecting another jD3.2 version.Colin
Colin M


Best Regards / Gruß
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